Swedish Massage with Energy Healing

Combining energy healing with Swedish massage techniques to take you to a realm of serenity.

Combining Reiki with massage to give longer lasting results and a deeper sense of relaxation.

Massage is a universal instinct. Touch is necessary for our mental and physical well being as humans. It helps soothe our nervous system and regulate our psychological state.

As such massage has been used since time immemorial to help soothe aching body and overactive mind, and to harmoniously combine the two.

Body massage helps release stress and tension in our bodies by increasing oxygen flow and blood circulation in the body. Excessive unresolved tension and stress in our daily lives could cause continuous muscular tension. This type of mental tension or stress diminishes the flow if oxygen and blood to the muscles and organs causing pains and aches, feelings of fatigue, symptomatic heaviness, tightness of muscles and stiffness. This can even increase the chance of strains and injuries.

Tension creates a tendency for a build up of toxins that reduces the flow of subtle energy or life force.

Swedish massage is well known for its efficacy in using long strokes and light-to-firm pressure to move areas of tension to provide gentle relaxation (or invigoration) and circulation.

Reiki and Rahanni are gentle and deeply relaxing non-intrusive hands on healing techniques. They support and accelerate the body’s own natural ability to heal, helping alleviate pain and relieving other symptoms while clearing the body of toxins.

So combining the massage benefits of de-stress and detensioning, coupled with Reiki’s ability to clear toxins and produce a deep calm inner space, results in an experience that is deliciously peaceful.


Benefits of Swedish massage

– Reduction in muscle spasm, pain and tension
– Release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers
– Relaxation and therefore reduction in anxiety
– Improved blood circulation
– Improved lymphatic drainage
– Improved mobility
– Reduction of swelling caused by an accumulation of fluid in the tissues
– Balancing the overall flow of natural life energy
– Inducing a feeling of well-being through the comfort of human touch

Benefits of Reiki

– Relaxation and therefore reduction in anxiety
– Reduces negative effects of stress inc. noise -induced stress
– Helps relieves symptoms of depression
– Relieves symptoms of burnout and returns body into a parasympathetic nervous state
– Improved quality of life in cancer patients
– Relieves pain and symptoms from chronic conditions.
– Promotes a positive outlook on life
– Energetically balancing and healing
– Inducing a feeling of well-being through the comfort of human touch


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What does this treatment look like?

This treatment is one hour long. During a session, you will lie on a comfortable massage table, you will be asked to retain your underwear. The Practitioner will use sweet almond oil or grapeseed oil to lubricate your skin for a smooth and relaxing massage.
The practitioner will use Swedish massage techniques whilst channeling Reiki in a way that will be deeply supportive to you.

You may experience the energy in the form of sensations like heat, tingling or pulsing where the Reiki practitioner has placed their hands. Sometimes, people feel sensations moving throughout the body, while other people do not perceive any change at all. It depends on your sensitivity.
Most people feel very relaxed and peaceful during reiki treatment, and many fall asleep during the process.

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